Health + Safety Policy
Statement of Intent
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This policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all staff and clients and to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for this purpose. TheStudio Founder also accepts responsibility for the health and safety of other people who may be affected by our activities.
Where reasonably practicable, this policy will seek to provide and encourage:
- A safe place to work and safe access to and from it
- Safe arrangements for the use, handling and storage of equipment
- Sufficient information, instructions, training and supervision to ensure all employees are well equipped to avoid hazards and contribute positively to effective Health and Safety at work
The policy will be kept up to date, particularly as our organisation changes in nature and size to ensure our responsibilities are met in relation to:
- Health & Safety at Work Act (1974)
- Management Regulations (1999)
- Other relevant current legislation
To ensure this, the policy and the way in which it has operated will be reviewed annually.
Responsibilities for all Staff
It is the responsibility of all staff to help maintain the safety and security of the pupils and clients and the working and dancing environment. This includes being aware of the risks, knowing the appropriate action to take and identifying any potential safety issues.
Each member of the teaching staff within the organisation has a duty to exercise care and attention with regard to their own safety and that of their pupils. Under this responsibility, each teacher shall:
- Ensure reasonable care is taken during their work activities to avoid accidents or injuries to themselves, pupils and any other personnel within the building
- Observe all safety instructions and procedures incorporated in this document
- Report all potential hazards affecting Health and Safety to the Studio Founder
- Report all accidents in the appropriate manner and record in the accident book
Employee Consultation
- On a termly basis the Studio Founder will carry out consultation with staff regarding their attitude to and opinion of the provision of Health and Safety within the studio
- Employees then have an opportunity to voice any concerns they may have regarding the provision and the principal may wish to act upon this.
Accidents and First Aid
All accidents are to be reported to the Studio Founder and recorded in the accident book.
Unless there is good reason, First Aid should not be administered without the permission of the child’s parent or accompanying adult. A child cannot give consent. If the parent is not at the premises, obtain their phone number from the database and try and make contact. However, if a child is alone and seriously injured or unconscious, the situation will need to be dealt with immediately.
If at all possible, treatment should only be given by a trained First Aider.
Provided this does not in itself put the child at risk, always try to administerFirst Aid with another adult present. Always tell the child exactly what you are doing and why. Check the database to find out if the child uses medication (e.g. for asthma, diabetes, and epilepsy) or has any allergies. Some children have allergic reactions to stings.
For minor injuries, you may not offer any medication, including antiseptics or pills of any kind. If you have any doubts about helping someone to use their own medication, phone National Health Service Direct on 111 or the emergency services.
Any treatment should be as little as necessary without threatening the child’s wellbeing. If a child comes to you for comfort because of a minor accident or fright, it is acceptable with the Code of Behaviour to hold their hand or put your arm around them. Just ensure:
- You know about any injury and do nothing to make it worse
- Physical contact is what the child wants, and the kind of contact between you is appropriate to their age and stage of development
- You do your best to stay in sight of other adults
If a child needs a doctor or hospital, call the emergency services. It is nearly always best to stay with them and wait for the ambulance. You should only take the risk of bringing in the child yourself if the emergency services ask you to do so because of exceptional circumstances.
Safety Checks
Correct storage of equipment is vital in the role of minimising risks. Any equipment not being used is a potential risk. Every piece of equipment that is being used must be checked at the beginning of the class to ensure its safety. In addition, care must be taken to:
- Storage of equipment– make sure that all equipment/resources used are safely and securely stored after each lesson
- Reporting - any damaged equipment should be reported to the Studio Founder immediately, for repair or replacement
- Setting up - setting up of equipment must be comprehensive, correct and safe
- Use of safety mats - where appropriate, safety mats to be used appropriately
- Equipment use - when using equipment, ensure that pupils and clients are shown how to use the equipment correctly and safely
- Supervision - ensure that no pupil or client is able to access equipment without supervision
Dance Studio
Checks to be made before pupils enter the studio:
- Floor – ensure floors are clean with foreign bodies removed
- Plug sockets – ensure they are safe with no wire showing
- Doors and exits –ensure doors are exits are secure and that there is nothing blocking emergency exits
- Lighting and light switches – identify any that are not working or loose
- Ensure all pupils are wearing appropriate dance wear/uniform and footwear to minimize accidents or risk
- Safety/protection clothing must be worn when appropriate, i.e. kneepads
Fire Safety
All staff will be advised of the fire action procedure, location of fire alarms and fire exits at their induction.
Fire alarm points at Kitson Hall are the responsibility of the hall owners and the Studio Founder ensures these have regular operational checks, ensuring each point is operated in turn over an annual period.
Fire Evacuation Procedure
If you discover a fire
- In the event of discovery of a fire, activate the fire alarm
- Your main responsibility is to help supervise the safety and orderly evacuation of pupils and any other people in your vicinity. Keep calm. Try to keep others calm
- Do not prolong your evacuation but on passing check all the corridors, toilets etc. to make sure no one is left behind.
In the event of hearing the fire alarm
- You are responsible for yourself and the pupils/clients in your class
- Evacuate pupils/clients in your class from the building immediately on hearing the alarm by using the nearest fire exit. If possible take a quick head count. Under no circumstances must you stop to collect any personal belongings or equipment
- Assemble at the fire point and supervise an orderly and quiet line
- The designated Health and Safety officer will take the register and wait for further instructions – any absences or concerns should be reported immediately
- Do not re-enter the building until you are informed to do so
Security Policy
Anyone wishing to enter the studio or hall must be escorted by a member of staff. Any unidentified person seen on the premises must be reported to the Studio Founder / Manager or office staff immediately.
Drug + Alcohol Policy
We define drug and alcohol misuse as ‘The use of alcohol and illegal and prescribed drugs such that the misuser harms themselves and/or others.’
We operate a zero tolerance policy on alcohol or illegal drug use within the work place.
Employees and pupils/clients should not have consumed any illegal drugs or alcohol for an 8 hour period before taking or attending class and should in no circumstances do so during a class.
Prescribed drug use should be reported to the teacher either at the beginning of the class or via the Enrolment Form submitted when the pupil/client first starts at the studio.
Teachers should make the Studio Founder aware of any prescribed drugs they are using.
Treatment and recovery of alcohol or drug misuse will be considered as sick leave.
Any breach of these rules will result in disciplinary action.
Should a pupil or client attend class under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs they will be issued with a formal warning. Any repeat action will result in suspension for an appropriate period. Further offending will result in exclusion from the studio.
A similar policy applies to teachers, with refusal to seek treatment after help is offered resulting in immediate dismissal.
Clifford Studios recognises that we have an explicit duty to safeguard and protect children from harm and abuse. Furthermore, we recognise that: the welfare of the child is paramount, as enshrined in the Children Act 1989.
All children, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity, have a right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse.
Some children are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication needs or other issues.
Working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, carers and other agencies is essential in promoting young people’s welfare.
Everyone at Clifford Studios shares an objective to help keep children, young people and vulnerable adults safe by:
- Providing a safe environment to learn and teach in for our pupils and staff (including volunteers)
- Identifying and responding to children, young people and vulnerable adults in need or support and / or protection
- Supporting children’s development in ways which will foster a sense of self-esteem and independence
- Fostering a learning environment in which every pupil feels valued and respected, and able to articulate their wishes and feelings in their preferred method of communication in an atmosphere of acceptance and trust
- Recording and storing information professionally and securely and adhering to the procedures
- Appointing a Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO)
Clifford Studios will endeavour to ensure that all children and vulnerable adults are protected from harm while they visit or are attending classes run by Clifford Studios. We will do this by:
- Ensuring our staff (including paid and volunteer teachers, assistants and helpers) are carefully selected
- Providing appropriate training for staff in issues of child protection, ongoing support and supervision
- Ensure all staff (including the Studio Founder, teaching staff, assistants and head chaperones) undergo an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Check, (formerly known as Criminal Record Bureau/CRB Check)
- Establishing and maintaining an ethos where children and young people feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to
- Taking all reasonable steps to ensure the health, safety and welfare of any child or vulnerable adult in contact with us
- Not physically, emotionally or sexually abusing any child or vulnerable adult in contact with us
- Taking all reasonable steps to prevent any staff member, persons working for us or member of the public from putting any child or vulnerable adult in a situation in which there is an unreasonable risk to their health and safety
- Taking all reasonable steps to prevent any staff member, persons working for us or member of the public from physically, emotionally or sexually abusing any child or vulnerable adult
- Reporting to the Studio Founder and DSO - Ms Joanna Higlett - any evidence or reasonable suspicion that a child or vulnerable adult has been physically, emotionally or sexually abused in contact with us or anyone in, or connected to, our organisation
- Reporting all incidents to the DSO who will refer relevant information and concerns with the appropriate agencies who need to know and involve children, parents, families and carers appropriately and in a sensitive manner
- Implementing this policy in conjunction with other Health and Safety guidelines already in place and creating and maintaining an anti-bullying environment
- Using our procedures to manage any allegations against staff and volunteers appropriately and ensuring that effective complaints measures are in place.
- Everyone working or applying to work for this organisation is to be made aware of our policy for children’s welfare. Furthermore, this document is issued to all staff and other people who are likely to have contact with children as part of their work with us.